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Can You Compost Paper Towels (Plus 13 More Paper Products)

Can you compost paper towels?

Compost Paper Products! (but which ones are safe?)

As more and more people become environmentally conscious, composting has become a popular practice. Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your plants. Many people wonder whether they can compost paper towels and other paper products. In this article, we will discuss 19 paper products and whether or not they can be composted.

What is Composting Really?

Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. The organic matter can be food waste, yard waste, or other materials that will decompose naturally over time.  

What are the Benefits of Composting?

Composting has many benefits. It reduces waste and helps to create nutrient-rich soil. Composting also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, composting helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic waste from landfills.

How Does Composting Work?

Composting works by providing the right conditions for organic matter to break down. The key ingredients for composting are brown matter, which provides carbon, and green matter, which provides nitrogen. Brown matter includes materials such as dried leaves, straw, and cardboard. Green matter includes materials such as food waste, grass clippings, and coffee grounds. The materials are mixed together and kept moist. Over time, the organic matter breaks down and becomes a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

Can you Compost Paper Towels?

Yes, you can compost paper towels. However, it is important to note that some paper towels are made with bleaches and other chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. Look for paper towels that are unbleached and made from recycled materials. If you used the paper towels to mop up chemicals or cleaning agents, rinse well first or don’t compost at all. Circle of life… what you put in your compost eventually becomes food!

What are Paper Towels Made of?

Paper towels are typically made of wood pulp, which is processed into a soft, absorbent material. Some paper towels also contain synthetic fibers, which can make them stronger and more durable.

Are Paper Towels Biodegradable?

Yes, paper towels are biodegradable. However, they may not break down as quickly as other organic materials.

How Long Does it Take for Paper Towel Products to Decompose in Compost?

The amount of time it takes for paper products to decompose in compost depends on a variety of factors, such as the temperature, moisture level, and the specific product. However, on average, it can take anywhere from several weeks to several months.

Can you Compost Paper Towels with Food Waste?

Yes, you can compost paper towels with food waste as long as they are not coated with any cleaning products or other non-compostable materials.

Can you Compost Facial Tissues?

Yes, you can compost facial tissues. Like paper towels, it is important to look for facial tissues that are unbleached and made from recycled materials.

Can you Compost Paper Napkins?

Yes, you can compost paper napkins. Again, look for unbleached napkins made from recycled materials.

Can you Compost Paper Plates?

Yes, you can compost paper plates. However, it is important to make sure that the plates are not coated with any non-compostable materials, such as plastic.

Can you Compost Paper Cups?

Yes, you can compost paper cups. However, like paper plates, it is important to make sure that the cups are not coated with any non-compostable materials.  

Can you Compost Coffee Filters?

Yes, you can compost coffee filters. They are made from unbleached paper and are biodegradable.

Can you Compost Tea Bags?

Yes, you can compost tea bags. However, some tea bags contain synthetic fibers or other non-compostable materials, so it is important to check the packaging before composting.

Can you Compost Pizza Boxes?

Yes, you can compost pizza boxes. However, it is important to remove any non-compostable materials, such as plastic liners, before composting then cut up into small strips or rip into small pieces.

Can you Compost Cardboard Boxes?

Yes, you can compost cardboard boxes. They are made from recycled paper and are biodegradable. For best results, rip or cut into small pieces.

Can you Compost Newspaper?

Yes, you can compost newspaper. It is made from recycled paper and is biodegradable. Some people choose not to compost newspaper due to the ink, this is a personal choice.

Can you Compost Shredded Paper?

Yes, you can compost shredded paper. However, it is important to use only paper that is not coated in any synthetic materials, such as glossy paper. 

Can you Compost Paper Bags?

Yes, you can compost paper bags. However, like paper plates and cups, it is important to make sure that the bags are not coated with any non-compostable materials or synthetic coatings.

Can you Compost Paper Envelopes?

Yes, you can compost paper envelopes. However, it is important to remove any plastic windows or other non-compostable materials before composting.

Can you Compost Receipts?

No, you should not compost receipts. Most receipts are made from thermal paper, which contains BPA and other harmful chemicals.  


Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Many paper products, including paper towels, facial tissues, paper napkins, paper plates, and coffee filters, can be composted. However, it is important to look for products that are unbleached and made from recycled materials. Additionally, it is important to remove any non-compostable materials, such as plastic, before composting. By following these guidelines, you can help reduce waste and create a healthier environment.

Yes, throw that paper towel in with your egg shells, coffee filters, cut grass and dead leaves! Your plants will LOVE the compost you make.